
School of Electrical Engineering of Chongqing University Held the 2021 Student's Congress

On September 16, 2021, the 2021 Student’s Congress of the School of Electrical Engineering, Chongqing University was held at D1233, Huxi Campus. The congress was organized by the Student Union of the Youth League Committee of the School of Electrical Engineering, in order to elect student representatives and members of the Committee. 105 people was supposed to attend the meeting, while actual attendance was 85, meeting the requirements of the congress. Yu Hui, secretary of the Youth League Committee and Sun Qiming, chairman of the Student Union of the School of Electrical Engineering attended the meeting.

Sun Qiming, on behalf of the 2020 Student Committee, reported the annual work summary at the meeting. In the report, the feature achievements and highlights of work that the Student had obtained in the last year were comprehensively summarized. Sun presented, in the next academic year, the Student Union will continue to uphold the mission of "Serving the students wholeheartedly" and strive for establishing Chongqing University a world-class university and School of Electrical Engineering world-class disciplines.

At the meeting, the participants voted by secret ballot to elect 13 student representatives, 6 student committee members of the School of Electrical Engineering, 3 students were elected to be the Student Union presidium members.