Zhang Qian won the Outstanding Teacher Award of "Excellent Undergraduate Training" of 2020 Electrical Engineering Education Fund

Zhang Qian, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Master student supervisor

Deputy Head of Department of Electrical Theory and New Technology, School of Electrical Engineering

The lecturer of National Excellent Course "Circuit Principle" and Chongqing Postgraduate Quality Course "Electric Network Theory"

Winner of the Outstanding Teacher Award of "Excellent Undergraduate Training" by 2020 Electrical Engineering Education Fund 

Since joining the work, Zhang Qian has been engaged in teaching front-line work, and her words and deeds are full of enthusiasm for teaching work. In terms of education, Zhang Qian actively participates in teacher-related exchange and communication activities. In the past five years, her comprehensive evaluation result of teaching work has ranked top 5% in the school. In terms of teaching, Zhang Qian is very popular among students. It is because of her unique teaching method and vivid classroom atmosphere that she has laid a high teaching quality. In the aspect of scientific research, Zhang Qian has long been committed to the interaction between electric vehicles and power grid, power market, renewable energy consumption and other aspects of the electrical engineering field.