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    [1]Guanhong Chen, Dong Liu. Hybrid Flow Model of Cyber Physical   Distribution Network and an Instantiated Decentralized Control   Application[J]. CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems, 2021.   (SCI检索,2021IF:6.014,Early Access)
    [2]Guanhong Chen, Dong Liu. Adaptive Robust Economic Dispatch and Real-time   Control of Distribution System Considering Controllable Inverter   Air-conditioner Clusters[J]. Frontiers in Energy Research, 2022.   (SCI检索,2021IF:3.858)
    [3]陈冠宏, 刘东, 翁嘉明. 电力调频系统的信息物理融合建模及其在容错控制中的应用[J]. 电网技术, 2019, 43(07):   2376-2383. (EI检索)
    [4]Guanhong Chen, Lixia Yan, Dong Liu. Mixed Logical Dynamic Based Optimal   Control Model for User Side Integrated Energy System[J]. Energy Procedia,   2019, 158: 2671-2676. (EI检索)
    [5]Guanhong Chen, Dong Liu. Fully Distributed Optimal Control of Cyber   Physical Distribution System Based on Consensus-ADMM Algorithm[C]. 2022 IEEE   IAS Industrial and Commercial Power System Asia (ICPS Asia 2022), 8-11 July,   2022. (EI检索,Best Student Paper Award)
    [6]Guanhong Chen, Dong Liu. Fully Distributed Robust Optimal Control of   Cyber Physical Distribution System[C]. 2022 IEEE IAS Industrial and   Commercial Power System Asia (ICPS Asia 2022), 8-11 July, 2022. (EI检索)
    [7]Guanhong Chen, Dong Liu, Lixia Yan, Predictive Control of Regional   Flexible Load Cluster Based on Mixed Logical Dynamic Method[C]. 2019 IEEE   Innovative Smart Grid Technologies - Asia (ISGT Asia), 2019, pp. 3430-3434.   (EI检索)
    [8]Guanhong Chen, Dong Liu, Lixia Yan. Coordinated Scheduling and Optimal   Control of All-Electric Ship Energy System Based on Mixed Logical Dynamic   Method[C]. 8th Renewable Power Generation Conference (RPG 2019), 2019: 1-7.   (EI检索)
    [9]Guanhong Chen, Dong Liu, Haozhong Cheng, Yu Zhang. Self-Recovery   Capability of Power System and Its Application in Active Power Optimal   Scheduling[C]. IEEE PES General Meeting, Portland, Oregon, USA, 5-9 August   2018. (EI检索)
    [10]Boya Qin, Dong Liu, Guanhong Chen. Formal Modeling and Analysis of   Cyber-Physical Cross-Space Attacks in Power Grid[J]. International Journal of   Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 2022. (SCI检索,2021IF:5.659,Early   Access)
    [11]闫丽霞,刘东,陈冠宏,徐晓春,王建春. 2017年国际大电网会议都柏林研讨会报道:体验未来的电力系统[J]. 电力系统自动化, 2018,   42(11): 1-7+142. (EI检索)
    [12]殷浩洋,刘东,陈冠宏,张王俊. 面向虚拟电厂的协同网络攻击模型及跨空间故障传播机理[J]. 电力系统自动化, 2022.   (EI检索,已录用)
    [13]黄植,刘东,陈冠宏,翁嘉明,殷浩洋,王臻. 基于事件驱动的配电信息物理连锁故障演化机理[J]. 电力工程技术, 2022, 41(03):   2-13. (北大中文核心)