
杨 帆

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研究方向:电工装备多物理场计算与数字孪生技术; 太赫兹成像方法及应用
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2008年6月 - 今,留校任教,2010年9月聘任为副教授,2013.6月聘任为博士生导师。

2012年3月 –2013年3月,美国俄克拉荷马大学,博士后工作 



自2010年来,作为项目负责人承担国家自然基金2项,省部级1项,重大横向课题1项,国家安全支撑项目1项,输配电装备及系统安全与新技术国家重点实验室项目2项、其他横向课题10 项。作为主研人员参加973计划课题1项。近三年作为项目负责人完成科研经费225.3万元,年均科研经费75.1万元,近5年来在IEEE Transactions,ACES等国际期刊发表SCI论文20余篇,获得授权发明专利3项,获得贵州省科技进步奖三等奖1项。 


1.Fan Yang, Zehui Liu, Hanwu Luo, et.al.. Calculation of Ionized Field of  HVDCTransmission Lines by the Meshless Method, IEEE Transactions on  Magnetics, 2014,50(7): 7200406.

2.Fan  Yang, Jie Zhong, Gen Zhao et.al.. Investigation on the  numericalrelationship between the power frequency electric field and air  parameters, InternationalJournal of Applied Electromagnetics and  Mechanics, 2014, 44(1): 1-16.

3.Li Chunli, He Wei, Yao Degui, Yang Fan, Topological  measurement andcharacterization of substation grounding grids based on  derivative method, ElectricalPower and Energy Systems,2014, 63: 158-164.

4.Fan  Yang, Xingye Guo, Xinghua Liu. Investigation on the  electromagnetictransient characteristics of an AC-DC interconnected system under  differentfaults, International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and  Mechanics,2014, 44(1): 69-86.

5.Yang Fan,  Liu Xinghua, He Wei et.al.. Investigation on characteristics ofargon  corona discharge under atmospheric pressure. Indian Journal of  Physics,2013, 87(4): 391-400.

6.Yang Fan,  Ran Wei, Chen Tao et.al.. Investigation on the Factors Affecting  theTemperature in Urban Distribution Substations and an Energy-Saving  CoolingStrategy, Energies, 2011, 4(2): 314-323.

7.Fan  Yang, Yan Jiang, Qingyan Shi, et.al.. Magnetic field inverse problem  ofgrounding grid and its application, International Journal of Applied  Electromagneticsand Mechanics, 2012, 21(6): 1-11.

8.Yang  Fan, Kang Lihong, He Wei et.al. Calculation on the magnetic fieldaround  the distribution substation and analysis on the shielding measures,  InternationalJournal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics,  2010, 33(3):1185-1194.

9.He Wei, Liu, Zehui, Yang Fan et.al.. Complex Problem  Domain Based Local Petrov-GalerkinMeshless Method for Electromagnetic Problems,  International Journal of AppliedElectromagnetics and Mechanics.  2013, 42(1): 73-83.

10.Liu Xinghua, He Wei, Yang Fan et.al.. Numerical  simulation and experimental validationof a direct current air corona discharge  under atmospheric pressure. ChinesePhysics B.2012, 21(7):10-17.

11.He Wei, Liu Xinghua, Yang Fan, Wang Hongyu. NumericalSimulation of  Direct Current Glow Discharge in Air with Experimental  Validation,JapaneseJournal of Applied Physics, 2012, 51(2) :7. (He Wei, Liu  Xinghua, Xian Richang, Yang Fan. Kinetics Characteristics  andbremsstrahlung of argon DC discharge under atmospheric. Plasma  Science &Technology. 2013, 15(4):335-342

12.Chen Minyou, Yu Lei,Neal .Liu Xiaoqin,YangFan. Investigationon the Faulty State of DFIG in a Microgrid, IEEE  Transactions on PowerElectronics,2011, 26(7):1913-1919.

13.He Wei,Liu Zehui, Yang Fan. A comparison of the  element free Galerkin method and themeshless local Petrov-Galerkin method for  solving electromagnetic problems. AppliedComputational Electromagnetics Society  Journal. 2012, 27(8) :620-629

14.Liu Zehui, He Wei, Yang Fan, A Simple and Efficient  Local Petrov-Galerkin Meshless Method and its Application”, International  journal of appliedelectromagnetics and mechanics, 2014, 44(1):15-123  

Liao Ruijin, Wu Feifei,Liu Xinghua, Yang Fan.  Numericalsimulation of transient spacecharge distribution of DC positive corona  discharge under atmospheric pressureair. ACTA PHYSICA SINICA.  2012, 61(24)11.