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邮箱: qcui@cqu.edu.cn

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  • 科学研究
  • 学术兼职


现为李文沅院士团队核心成员,招收博士、硕士等,课题组(AI for Power Systems)拥有良好的科研平台和国际化背景,欢迎新同学加入!

崔博士是加拿大自然科学与工程技术研究(NSERC)博士后基金获得者,加拿大魁北克省自然科技基金(FRQNT)博士后基金获得者。2016-2019年,崔博士分别在英国、美国、中国举办的三个国际会议(第13届IET电力系统保护发展会议,第51届北美电力研讨会,和2019 IEEE可持续能源和电力会议)获得了最佳论文奖排名均为第一。近五年主持加拿大自然科学基金项目等6项,领导并参与了十多个国家级和省级项目,包括美国自然科学基金,美国能源部,美国能源部先进研究计划署,美国电力系统工程研究中心,美国国家电力科学研究院,美国亚利桑那州盐河水力和电力供应项目,和加拿大魁北克省自然科技基金等。

崔博士拥有丰富的工业及工程经验,为OPAL-RT公司提出了人工智能技术应用于电网保护的通用框架,打通了人工智能算法与硬件在环测试之间的技术壁垒,通过Python API接口编程实现了多场景仿真的自动运行,开发了世界首个Hypersim微电网系统以及基于Matlab Simulink继电保护模块库,公司该产品的销售额达到每年3000多万美元。崔博士领导的创业团队,开发了新能源电动车充电桩并网规划与运营云计算和分析工具,从全球几百个项目中脱颖而出,入选中国教育部举办的第13届“春晖杯”海外留学生创新创业大赛决赛能源组前六名,获得第三届南通创业创新大赛技术创新奖。

指导学生(博士 8 人,硕士 26 人)

  • 重庆大学:张一弓 (博士),张美伟 (博士), 石立贤 (博士), 彭柯,郭恒,刘瑶,邸建, 聂远碧, 王卓恒, 祝陈哲

  • 上海电力大学:王亚辉, 唐芯璐, 王雨茹, 陈东坤 (均是硕士)

  • ASU电力系统机器学习实验室Haoran Li (博士), Kishan Prudhvi Guddanti (博士), Muhammad Bilal Saleem (博士), Shuman Luo (博士), Jingyi Yuan (博士), Syed Muhammad Yousaf Hashmy (硕士), Yousef Alali (硕士), Ramyashree Satyanarayanarao (), Abhishek Yatin Jathar (硕士.), Suraj Tele (硕士), Ravikumar Patel (硕士)

  • USPCAS-E项目:Hassan Zahid Butt, Hamd Ullah, Mehak Asad, Muhammad Huzaifa Siddique, Muhammad Suhaib, Jawad Ul Islam, Aehtsham Ul Haq, Asfandyar Khalid, Muhammad Adeel Arif, Iatizaz Ahsan (均是硕士)


[1] Y. Tan, B. Jin, Q. Cui, X. Yue, and A. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, “Generalizing Fault Detection Against Domain Shifts Using Stratification-Aware Cross-Validation,” arXiv preprint arXiv:2008.08713, 2020. (Collaboration with the Co-founder of Electronic Design Automation (EDA) software)


[2] X. Tang, Q. Cui*, Y. Weng, Y. Su and D. Li, “Identify Incipient Faults Through Similarity Comparison with Waveform Split-Recognition Framework”, Frontier in Energy Research, Feb. 2023.

[3] Y. Wang, Q. Cui*, Y. Weng, D. Li and W. Li, “Learning Picturized and Time-series Data for Fault Location with Renewable Energy Sources”, International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, Nov. 2022.

[4] H. Wang, Y. Ye, Y. Chen, Y. Chen, Q. Yang, Q. Cui, and P. You, “AI, Data Analytics, and Mechanism Design for DER Integration Toward Net Zero”. Frontiers in Energy Research, p.1836, 2022.

[5] Y. Weng, S. Luo, Q. Cui*, R. Trask, and H. Wang, “House-Level Storage Device,” IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 464 - 475, Jan. 2023.

[6] Y. Weng, Q. Cui*, and M. Guo, “Transform Waveforms into Signature Vectors for General-purpose Incipient Fault Detection,” IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, vol. 37, no. 6, pp. 4559 - 4569, Dec. 2022.

[7] Q. Cui, G. Kim, and Y. Weng, “Twin-Delayed Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient for Low Frequency Oscillation Damping Control,” Energies, 14(20): 6695, 2021.

[8] T. Chen, C. Gao, H. Hui, Q. Cui, H. Long, “A generalized additive model-based data-driven solution for lithium-ion battery capacity prediction and local effects analysis,” Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, Nov. 2021.

[9] S. Phommixay, M.L. Doumbia and Q. Cui, “Comparative analysis of continuous and hybrid binary-continuous particle swarm optimization for optimal economic operation of a microgrid,” Process Integration and Optimization for Sustainability (2021).

[10] S. Phommixay, M.L. Doumbia and Q. Cui, “A Two-layer Optimization Approach for Economic Operation of a Microgrid Under a Planned Outage,” Sustainable Cities and Society, Volume 66, Mar. 2021.

[11] T. Chen, Q. Cui, C. Gao, Q. Hu, K. Lai, J. Yang, R. Lyu, H. Zhang, and J. Zhang, “Optimal demand response strategy of commercial Building-based virtual power plant using reinforcement learning,” IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, Vol. 15, Issue 16, pp. 2309-2318, Aug. 2021.

[12] Q. Cui, and Y. Weng, “An Environment-adaptive Protection Scheme with Long-term Reward for Distribution Networks,” International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 124, p.106350.

[13] Q. Cui, S. M. Yousaf, Y. Weng, and M. Dyer, “Reinforcement Learning Based Recloser Control for Distribution Cables with Degraded Insulation Level,” IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, vol. 36, no. 2, pp. 1118-1127, April 2021.

[14] Q. Cui, and Y. Weng, “Enhance High Impedance Fault Detection and Location Accuracy via μ-PMUs,” I EEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 797-809, Jan. 2020.

[15] Q. Cui, Y. Weng, and C. W. Tan, “Electric Vehicle Charging Station Placement Method for Urban Areas,” IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol. 10, no. 6, pp. 6552-6565, Nov. 2019.

[16] Q. Cui, K. El-Arroudi, and Y. Weng, “A Feature Selection Method for High Impedance Fault Detection,” IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, vol. 34, no. 3, pp. 1203-1215, Jun. 2019.

[17] Q. Cui, K. El-Arroudi, and G. Joos, “Islanding Detection of Hybrid Distributed Generation Under Reduced Non-Detection Zone,” IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol. 9, no. 5, pp. 5027-5037, Sep. 2018.

[18] Q. Cui, K. El-Arroudi, and G. Joos, “Real-time Hardware-in-the-loop Simulation for Islanding Detection Schemes in Hybrid Distributed Generation Systems,” IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, vol. 11, no. 12, pp. 3050-3056, Aug. 2017.


[19] Q. Cui, M. Guo and Y. Weng, “Sig2Vec: Dictionary Design for Incipient Faults in Distribution Systems,” IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM), Orlando, FL, USA, 2023.

[20] Q. Cui and Y. Weng, “Mining Partially Labeled Data from Edge Devices to Detect and Locate High Impedance Faults,” IEEE Sustainable Power & Energy Conference (iSPEC), Beijing, China, 2019 (最佳论文奖,200多篇论文中排名第一).

[21] J. Yuan, Q. Cui, Z. Ma, and Y. Weng, “Learning EV Placement Factors with Social Welfare and Economic Variation Modeling,” North American Power Symposium (NAPS), Wichita, KS, USA, 2019 (最佳论文展示奖,203篇论文中排名第一)

[22] Q. Cui, S. Li, K. El-Arroudi, and G. Joos, “Multifunction Intelligent Relay for Inverter-based Distributed Generation,” in Developments in Power System Protection (DPSP), 13th IET International Conference, Edinburgh, UK 2016 (最佳论文奖,200多篇论文中排名第一)


[23] Q. Cui, Y. Weng, K. El-Arroudi, and S. Hashmy, “Effective Feature Set- Based High Impedance Fault Detector,” Provisional Patent Application No. 62/859,929 (Jun. 11, 2019).

[24] Q. Cui, Y. Weng, “Enhance High Impedance Fault Detection and Location Accuracy via μ-PMUs,” Provisional Patent Application No. 63/039,215 (Jun. 15, 2020).

[25] Q. Cui, Y. Weng, “Reinforcement Learning Based Recloser Control for Distribution Cables with Degraded Insulation Level,” Provisional Patent Application No. 63/105,629 (Oct. 26, 2020).


[26] Q. Cui, “Data-mining-based Microgrid Protection Scheme,” Internal Research Report of OPAL-RT Technologies Inc., Montreal, QC, Oct. 2017.

[27] Q. Cui, “27, 50/51, 59, 81, 87 Relay,” Product Documentation of Hypersim Relay Library of OPAL-RT Technologies Inc., Montreal, QC, Feb. 2017.

  • IEEE PES 大数据分析委员会

  • 网络论坛工作组副主席 2019年11月-至今)

  • 大数据辅导系列论坛创始主席创办主席 2019年3月-至今)

  • 网络论坛任务组副主席 2018年1月-2019年11月)

  • 演讲嘉宾,“世界能源脱碳路径”,全球绿色发展联盟(Global Green Development Alliance),“健康世-绿色发展”系列讲座第73期 (20232月)

  • 客座编辑,Frontiers In Smart Grids: Next-generation Smart Grid with AI and Advanced Energy Infrastructure towards Low Carbon Future and Net-zero2022年10月)

  • 执行主席,电力行业储能技术与应用研讨 2022年会2022年9月)

  • 技术委员会主席 (TPC), IEEE SmartGridComm’222022年8

  • 分论坛主席,5th International Electrical and Energy ConferenceCIEEC 2022,分论坛名称: New Energy Power System 2022年5月)

  • 分论坛主席,5th International Conference on Energy, Electrical and Power EngineeringCEEPE 2022分论坛名称: AI Green Energy2022年4月)

  • 主讲嘉宾,大会组织委员会主席,第二届工业技术与智能管理国际学术会议(ICITIM 20222022年1

  • 分论坛主席,IEEE Sustainable Power and Energy ConferenceiSPEC 2021),分论坛名称: Fault Diagnosis and Detection 2021年12月)

  • 分论坛主席,11th International Conference on Power and Energy SystemsICPES 2021,分论坛名称: New energy based modern power system 2021年12月)

  • 客座编辑,Frontiers in Energy Research: AI, Data Analytics, and Mechanism Design for DER Integration Toward Net Zero2021年11月)

  • 专题论坛主席,第52届北美电力研讨会,分论坛名称: 电力系统应用中的人工智能和机器学习2021年4

  • IEEE菲尼克斯地区会议执行主席2020年1月至2021年4月)

  • IEEE北美电力研讨会核心成员2020年7月)

  • 国际知名期刊及会议审稿人(2016年-至今)

  • 期刊:IEEE Transactions on {Smart Grid, Power Delivery, Power Systems, Industrial Informatics, Intelligent Transportation Systems, Transportation Electrification, Vehicular Technology}, IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution, Renewable Power Generation, Smart Grid, Science, Measurement and Technology, IEEE PES Letters, IEEE Systems Journal, International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, Journal of Modern Power Systems & Clean Energy, Protection and Control of Modern Power Systems

  • 会议:IEEE SmartGridComm’22, NAPS 2017 北美电力研讨会,CCECE 2018 电气与计机工程加拿大会议,iSPEC 2019电气与电子工程师学会可持续电力与能源会议会员

  • 电气与电子工程师学会: 电力与能源学会2010年-至今)